Tech Coordinators:
    I'm trying to figure out what my role is with the new iep.  I've been told that all of the support will come through the AEA and yet, according to Mike, I will also be receiving a copy of the cd.  I called Mike and he said that he had some requests from tech coordinators for a copy of the program.  He didn't want to just send it to a few and have others asking why they didn't receive theirs.  I understand that.  My grandpa Fleege had a saying that I think is appropriate at this time.  "Don't ask for something because you might get it!"  If you asked for the iep disk, do you feel comfortable supporting it?  I'm willing to support it if I'm given some training on how to support it and I don't mean just installing and using it.
     A little history may be in order.  Remember the last state wide iep.  I sat in on the training on how to install and use the iep.  That was just fine until one of the teachers corrupted her database.  She had a couple dozen completed ieps in this database.  I spent many hours of phone calls trying to get technical answers.  Finally, I was given a  phone number of a person I could call to get answers to technical questions.  After I found out that you needed to do some file manipulation to get the 'Repair Database" function to work, everything worked reasonably well.  I was able to save countless hours of work done by the special ed teachers over the last few years.  Our special ed teachers aren't the sharpest knives in the drawer technologically, but they were able to get the job done and used the iep program faithfully.
    The AEA support last time was if it doesn't work, re-install it.  No matter that it copied over the top of 20 completed ieps.  It sounds like the same approach this time.  If thats the case, then I'm not going to get involved.  If its just a matter of dragging and dropping as I've been told, then why would I want to be involved in the first place? 
    Six weeks from now and one of the special ed teachers brings in her laptop and says "My iep program doesn't work!", I can say "Call the AEA support person." or if she's not carrying any weapons, I can say, "Drag and drop!"   Its a wonderful life!!

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