/   Scott Fosseen - Systems Engineer - Arrowhead AEA 5
\   www.aea5.k12.ia.us/aeaphone.nsf/Web/FosseenScott
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2002 1:19 PM
Subject: Internet Security

> I have received the following information from the ICN data group.
Although you may be already using these procedures, I wanted to send this
information out as a reminder.  The school year has started and the Internet
traffic has increased, this message is intended to help minimize unnecessary
traffic as well as to improve security measures for the Internet.
> Currently, Internet users are scanning ICN customer networks for HTTP
configuration vulnerabilities.  These scans are destined for port 80.
> We believe these scans are mostly looking for miss configured Windows
devices; not restricted to devices with firewall protection.  Even though a
firewall may be in place, the HTTP server could be vulnerable.
> Recommendations:
> 1. Review your servers, especially Windows, for HTTP server/services.  If
the machine isnā?Tt going to run as an HTTP server, then uninstall the
application.  If the HTTP application is only for internal use, then
restrict inbound and outbound access through the firewall.
> 2. Apply patches to the systems and keep the patches current.
> 3. Run up to date virus scans of your systems.
> 4. Review, test, and audit your firewall policy, holes may exist allowing
for attacks on any of your systems.
> Dave Lingren
> ICN Network Service Manager
> ---
> [This E-mail scanned for viruses by Declude Virus]

[This E-mail scanned for viruses by Declude Virus]

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