On Sat, Mar 20, 2010 at 05:03:16PM -0400, Steven Bellovin wrote:
 > > Let me see if I can find my first note on the subject -- it might
 > > give a clue about the date of any changes.
 > Turns out that I sendpr-ed it in September: kern/42104.

I even responded to the PR, not that I had any useful ideas at the

That sounds like maybe the problem is not on the suspend side but on
the resume side, that is, that stuff is being written out before (some
layer of) the disk subsystem is ready to go again. With vanilla FFS
such writes should be synchronous so it should be (relatively) easy to
figure out what's going on. Do you feel like trying out dtrace? :-)

On the other hand, if fsck thinks the inode for a named pipe is
unallocated (or particularly, has duplicate blocks, since pipes
shouldn't have blocks at all)... that means that whatever went wrong
went wrong when the pipe was created, not when something exited and
removed it. And with vanilla ffs, those are synchronous writes and
they should happen in quick succession; if the inode didn't get
written but the directory did, something's more badly wrong than just
the disk not being ready yet. And I strongly suspect that the pipe
creation isn't tied to suspending, that is, the pipe should have been
created long before you suspended and should not in general be removed
and recreated by suspending. And that means either something is
severely wrong in general and you're only seeing it after crashing due
to suspend (which is possible, but seems not too likely) or the
suspend cycle is actively writing garbage and corrupting the fs.

Meanwhile, getting traps while dumping is Very Strange (TM). Do we
have any kind of debug code that can checksum memory before and after
the suspend? I wonder if something ACPI-related is garbaging memory.

David A. Holland

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