On Thu, 25 Oct 2012, Stephan wrote:

I always found FFS being slow when creating or deleting many files.
For example, on 6.0 with FFSv2 and WAPBL it took 20 sec. to complete

time seq 1 30000 | xargs touch

I just did this on my 6.99.14 system and it takes less than 1s:

# uname -rs
NetBSD 6.99.14
# mount
/dev/raid0a on / type ffs (log, NFS exported, local)

# dumpfs / | grep wap
wapbl version 0x1       location 2      flags 0x0
wapbl loc0 21236416     loc1 40288      loc2 512        loc3 23
flags   wapbl
# cd /
# mkdir temp
# cd temp
# time sh -c 'seq 1 30000 | xargs touch'
0.043u 0.738s 0:00.78 98.7%     0+0k 0+268io 0pf+0w
# time rm *
0.040u 0.498s 0:00.37 143.2%    0+0k 0+267io 0pf+0w

| Paul Goyette     | PGP Key fingerprint:     | E-mail addresses:       |
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| Kernel Developer |                          | pgoyette at netbsd.org  |

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