
From: Marc Balmer <m...@msys.ch>, Date: Mon, 7 Jan 2013 22:11:38 +0100

> I want to import the lua(4) device driver, which is currently a module only, 
> which seems wrong.
> Is sys/dev/lua/ a good place?

Nowadays I am playing with lua in userland.

Current lua in base userland is 5.1.5 and it seems that it lacks bitwise
operation commands.
According to Lua website, newer 5.2 have bitwise operations, bit32.band etc.

What version of Lua will be imported?
I have no idea about kernel manner, but I think Lua 5.2 is preferable
for kernel use, because bitwise operations are more important in kernel.

Thank you.

Ryo ONODERA // ryo...@yk.rim.or.jp
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