On Sep 18,  2:22am, m...@netbsd.org (Emmanuel Dreyfus) wrote:
-- Subject: Re: high load, no bottleneck

| > The case to worry about is the scenario where the machine
| > suddently loses power, the data never makes it to the physical media,
| > and gets lost from the cache. In this case you might end up with a
| > filesystem that has inconsistent metadata, so the next reboot might
| > end up causing a panic when the filesystem is used. The solution there
| > is to reboot and force an fsck. 
| It seems the system would be better without WAPBL enabled in this case.
| Is there any befenit left?

On large filesystems with many files fsck can take a really long time after
a crash. In my personal experience power outages are much less frequent than
crashes (I crash quite a lot since I always fiddle with things). If you
don't care about fsck time, you don't need WAPBL. Another easy thing you can
try is to put the WAPBL log in a flash drive and re-enable the cache flushes.


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