Am 09.10.13 10:26, schrieb Thomas Klausner:
> On Wed, Oct 09, 2013 at 08:37:23AM +0200, Marc Balmer wrote:
>> So if no one really objects the plan is as follows:
>> - Import Lua 5.2 to src/sys/external/
>> - Remove Lua 5.1 from src/external/
> apb suggested using "src/common/external/<licence>/<name>" and lots of
> people asked for working examples first. What's your reply to that?

phone said that src/common/external was a mistake and should not be
prolifered at all.  Joerg also said so.  I think that settles it.

My question was about source code location, the other issues raised have
been discussed already in the past, but for the record:

lua(4) comes with examples.  and just mentioning it: many more people
asked me to go on with this because they like the concept and want
finally be able to use it than people asked for more examples.

Having Lua in the kernel allows for experimentation that is otherwise
not possible.  So it's all about what _you_ do with it.

But kernel Lua is not really the issue here, the real issue is the
update to 5.2, that one is important.  And moving the code at the same
time is sensible (and does not break anything).

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