Mouse <mouse <at> Rodents-Montreal.ORG> writes:

> ...
> I think the biggest reasons I haven't tried to push any of those into
> NetBSD are (1) a perception that NetBSD doesn't want my changes,
> combined with (2) a lack of motivation to, a sort of "NetBSD no longer
> cares about me; why should I care about it?" feeling.  (Note that I'm
> not saying anything about how justifiable - or correct! - these
> feelings are.)
> That said....
> I'd certainly be happy to offer any-to-all of my changes to anyone who
> wants to bring them into NetBSD. 
> ...
> If anyone's interested, of course.  My expectation has been that nobody
> is, but this email makes me think that could well be wrong.  I can
> easily pull a full list of changes I've made and mail it wherever.


I'm not an EdgeBSD advocacy, but when i've heard of it and briefly looked
at i got a feeling that they're kinda open to bringing of various
experimental things, even kernel-side ones.
I don't know their relations with NetBSD project, but there was an info that
they will try to push well-tried bits back to the NetBSD.
If all of this is true, maybe it's a more suitable place for your stuff now?

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