I've made a patch to the module subsystem to print the default
module load path during initialisation.  The reason for doing this
is that certain arch/machine combos don't work with the standard
modules for their archs and require custom built modules.  This is
the case for several evbppc variants and xen.  The evbppc variants
are already working.  I'm working on getting xen modules working.
I have the modules building and the kernel finds the correct modules,
but has problems loading them.  Anyways, here's a sample of the
dmesg showing the new message.  Let the flamewar about the message
and when it should be displayed begin...

NetBSD 6.99.25 (XEN3_DOMU) #3: Tue Oct 29 19:07:29 PDT 2013
total memory = 512 MB
avail memory = 486 MB
The default path for module loading is: /stand/amd64-xen/6.99.25/modules
mainbus0 (root)
hypervisor0 at mainbus0: Xen version 4.2.3

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