Am 17.11.13 13:21, schrieb Alexander Nasonov:
> Marc Balmer wrote:
>> I came accross a small library for converting data to an from C structs
>> for Lua, written by Roberto Ierusalimschy:
>> I plan to import it and to make it available to both lua(1) and lua(4)
>> as follows:
>> The source code will be imported into
>> ${NETBSDSRCDIR}/sys/external/mit/struct unaltered and then be modified
>> to compile on NetBSD.
> Shouldn't it be mit/luastruct?

Not imo.  Under external/...  I usually use the original name.

>> Then ${NETBSDSRCDIR}/sys/module/luastruct/ and
>> ${NETBSDSRCDIR}/lib/lua/struct/ directories will be added with the
>> respective Makefiles etc.
> Are you going to make it kmod? It's an overkill, IMO. Not every Lua
> module a kernel module. The framework should support this distinction.

It is to be used by lua(4), it _has_ to be a kmod.

I am right now not so sure if it will be this library or if take one of
my own, which has a "saner" interface imo.

I need something to decode/encode binary data, however, like pack/unpack
in python.

> PS I don't see devel/lua-struct. It'd be nice to have it in pkgsrc.

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