Brian Buhrow <> writes:

>       If I'm using ehci(4) and option DIAGNOSTIC is defined, I get a panic:
> "curlen == 0".

That's a bug.  DIAGNOSTIC should only be checking assertions about
invariants that the code always maintains, not user input.  So if there
is a requirement lower down in the stack that transactions have >0
length, then the parts that validate system calls should check that.

> If option DIAGNOSTIC is not defined, then I'm simply unable to write to any
> USB devices attached to that bus without a reboot.

Generally in a situation where DIAGNOSTIC blows up, bad things happen in
the same case without DIAGNOSTIC.

>       Since the length is 0 in that request, it seems like I should cause
> the USB stack to generate a zero-length transaction to the target device.

Are you sure that this is well defined in the standard?

> I don't think that's happening, but I'm not entirely certain as yet.
> The panics as described above and the inability to write to the bus after
> such requests on the ehci(4) controlled busses are definitely true, but,
> again, I may be trying to do this the wrong way.  Is there another way I
> should be trying to generate such transactions on the USB bus?

It would seem you need to work on the driver...

Nick: perhaps not in this thread, but a summary to tech-kern of where
you are in your usb work and your roadmap to merging would be nice.   (I
am generally interested in USB3 working, and keeping the USRP stuff
working.  I have not been actively working on USB since the
read-ahead/write-behind code back in 2006ish.)

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