On Jul 2,  8:41pm, m...@netbsd.org wrote:
} On Sun, Jul 02, 2017 at 08:38:24PM +0000, m...@netbsd.org wrote:
} > On Sun, Jul 02, 2017 at 01:16:15PM +0000, Christos Zoulas wrote:
} > > The solution is to implement "tickless kernel". It is not that difficult.
} > 
} > It looks like we are always descheduling the thread, not jut because we
} > got a clock tick. even a tickless kernel won't help stupid.
} to clarify, I mean, "it won't help, because we are being stupid", not
} as an insult.

     Saying, "we are being stupid," could most definitely be an
insult to the people that wrote the code in question.  I seriously
doubt that we are being stupid in this case.

}-- End of excerpt from m...@netbsd.org

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