On Dec 15,  7:46pm, m...@netbsd.org wrote:
} On Sat, Dec 15, 2018 at 01:45:04PM +0700, Robert Elz wrote:
} >     Date:        Fri, 14 Dec 2018 21:28:34 -0800
} >     From:        John Nemeth <jnem...@cue.bc.ca>
} >     Message-ID:  <201812150528.wbf5syhr025...@server.cornerstoneservice.ca>
} > 
} >   | As kre noted, it is probably the oldest network application
} >   | around.  According to Wikipedia, the protocol was developed in
} >   | 1969, predating TCP/IP, which means that it is probably the oldest
} >   | TCP/IP application there is.
} > 
} > That's actually what I meant.   I have no idea in which order the BSD
} > applications were written (nor, for that matter, their original origins.)
} > 
} > But if there are bugs in any of them (and that is not impossible, just as
} > with any other software) then we should simply fix them, not just declare
} > some apps as "too old, abandon it".
} > 
} > I also simply cannot believe that any issue that might exist in telnet is
} > going to be any worse than firefox with a http:// URL ... and I do not see
} > anyone suggesting that firefox (and every other browser) should be
} > abandoned.
} A basic telnet client in python (taking into account the library it uses
} as well) is 800 lines.
} the netbsd telnet client is 16000 lines, taking into account libtelnet.

     This tells me that the python one likely doesn't speak the
telnet protocol and therefore isn't a telnet client at all.

} I literally deleted more lines of telnet than it takes to implement a
} new line by unifdef'ing dead code.
} Hope that gives you an indication for how great our code is.

     These statements tell me absolutely nothing.

}-- End of excerpt from m...@netbsd.org

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