On Dec 19,  7:11pm, David Holland wrote:
} The previous telnet thread, contentious as it has been, has completely
} missed the critical context, which is that telnet is 14,700 lines
} cutpasted from the Necronomicon and telnetd is only slightly better.

     Yeah, so?

} If the conclusion is that we really need a telnet client (I myself
} really don't care if it's in base or not) then we should write a new
} one.
} The old one should be deleted, the sooner the better.

     Why?  There are lots of other things that need doing, that I
would consider to be much higher priority.  If you feel this strongly
about it, then why aren't you volunteering to do the rewrite (insert
something here about not being able to tell volunteers what to do)?

} [snip]
} Note that there are 50-odd RFCs on telnet and those document only the
} basics. Making it work with the legacy router in your junkheap will
} require that you get off your duff and test it against that router...

     In other words, a pretty much impossible task...

}-- End of excerpt from David Holland

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