On Dec 19,  9:03pm, David Holland wrote:
} On Wed, Dec 19, 2018 at 12:32:08PM -0800, Hisashi T Fujinaka wrote:
}  > I don't understand your position. Let me explain why.
}  > 
}  > You're saying, "Write a new one, and it's going to be close to
}  > impossible," at the same time you're saying, "Delete this one."
}  > 
}  > If it's impossible, and we need one, we'll need to keep the old one no
}  > matter how bad it is, right? And if you can't fix it after all the
}  > experience you have with it, how am I going to be able to fix it?
} I don't really follow. It's not impossible. It's just not trivial.
} Keeping the old one has been the answer for the past twenty-odd
} years. But it can't be fixed and sooner or later someone's going to
} find a critical problem with it.

     You can make this argument about pretty much everything.
Which is, to say, a totally meaningless argument.

} The reason it came up this week is that someone found and posted a
} couple noncritical problems in one of the other forks of it.

     And, how many years has it been since the last significant bug?

}-- End of excerpt from David Holland

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