On Oct 25, 16:22, Thor Lancelot Simon wrote:
} On Sun, Oct 25, 2020 at 03:45:56PM -0400, Mouse wrote:
} > 
} > I once had an hp300 with all of 5M of RAM.  Years ago, when I had it
} > running, thorpej told me it was quite possibly an instance of the
} > slowest machine then supported by NetBSD.  (Amusingly, at the same time
} > I had an alpha that he said was possibly an instance of the fastest.)
} I think -- with the possible exception of the 725 or 730 if anyone ever
} made them work, they were very hard to get going even with 4.3! -- the
} Sun 2/50 is likely the slowest machine that ever ran NetBSD.  I don't think
} we support any 68010-based HP300 models, though I am not entirely sure.
} Was the Australian machine kre mentioned one of those bizarre dual-68000
} designs that ran two CPUs in lockstep to handle non-restartable
} instructions?  I've heard about them but never seen one.

     If I recall correctly (30 year old memories here), Apollo did
that, but I haven't seen/touched one of those in about 30 years.
It also had an interesting file system / networking trick where
you could do //<host>/... to get at files on a different machine.

}-- End of excerpt from Thor Lancelot Simon

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