(Christos Zoulas) writes:

> My thoughts are:
> - It is too late to put OpenSSL-3.0.0 un current, to become part of NetBSD-10.
> - After the NetBSD-10 branch, I will move OpenSSL-1.1.1 to openssl.old and
>   import OpenSSL-3.0.0 in openssl. Every port will point to openssl.old.
> - I will provide OpenSSL-3.0.0 source compatibility to OpenSSL-1.1.1 if needed
>   (like I did for OpenSSL-1.1.x and OpenSSL-1.0.x) by adding the missing
>   functionality if needed (and if possible)
> - I will make HEAD work with both OpenSSL-3.0.0 and OpenSSL-1.1.1.
> - I will switch all ports to use OpenSSL-3.0.0
> - Unfortunately pkgsrc will suffer the same way it did in the previous
>   upgrade.

So, if it happens that way, then it really does not matter from the
NetBSD side if pkgsrc moves to 3 this branch, or adds 3 as an option
alongside 1.1.1, or doesn't do either.   But, as you switch things, it
will be good for pkgsrc to be able to use the native 3 and have other
packages build against it.

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