>> I'm not sure inetd(8) has any business calling realpath in the first
>> place.

I agree.

> It has to call realpath(3) since in order to not include several
> times the same file, it makes strings comparaisons about names.

If I as an admin write a config that tries to include the same file
twice, whether via the same or different paths, I expect it to include
the same file twice.  If that leads to errors, that's on me.  (It might
or might not _always_ lead to an error, depending on how the include
file syntax is defined to interact with the stateful aspects of the
config language and what's in the config files.)

If you really want to avoid including the same file twice even if
that's what the config says to do, I'd say it should do so with dev/ino
comparisons, not pathname comparisons.

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