On 2023-11-14 10:31 pm, Jörg Sonnenberger wrote:
On Wednesday, November 15, 2023 4:15:28 AM CET you wrote:

The functions are supposed to be transparent and they used to be. Can we please just go back to the working state before? IMO wanting to overriding getcwd is absolutely no justification for this. If the prototype (and inline
function) is visible from the header, userland should *not* be abled to
interpose it. If it is not visible due to standard headers, there was no
problem in first place.

Before I go and revert, can we have a consensus if the state is better now
or before? From my PoV the changes add some complexity, but they fix
the original problem (overriding getcwd) in the PR.

Regardless if it is justifiable or not, the result was unexpected since
compiling with fortify does not work, but compiling without does.


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