On Fri, May 03, 2024 at 22:56:50 +0000, Jeremy C. Reed wrote:

> manpage was added to source in 
> revision 1.1
> date: 2016-06-27 20:07:26 +0000;  author: maya;  state: Exp;  commitid: 
> Add man page for mkcsmapper.
> Imported from FreeBSD.
> And it has updates since then
> But its Makefile has 
> NOMAN=# defined (must come before bsd.own.mk)
> Okay if I remove that and 
> MAN= mkcsmapper.1

Yes, please (don't forget to adjust the set lists), except you don't
need to set MAN explicitly if the only man page is for PROG (cf. e.g.



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