Hello. I've introduced some modifications on Tcsh.
• Functions;
• variable assignment from pipes and redirections;
• comments on interactive sessions;
• tell whether stdin is empty.

There's more, but I recognize these as most valuables.

I'd appreciate for any feedback, suggestion or contribution. Contributions of 
any kind are very welcome.

The source code is here [https://github.com/Krush206/tcsh]. The modifications 
are separated in branches. Later on, I might create a branch including all 

I might make these modifications into the original Csh as well. Actually, I do 
have a repository for the original Csh [https://github.com/Krush206/3bsd-csh]. 
Though out-of-date, only functions have been implemented.

The original idea on functions was based on goto and source, after realizing 
these built-ins make a great combination for simulating functions. This initial 
idea was limited to scripts. Recently, it evolved to source from pipes, which 
sources from a tree derived from aliases and variables, making suitable for 
interactive sessions as well. Unlike to aliases and variables, the tree is 
restrictive. Once a function is declared, may not be redeclared or undeclared.

The "Variable assignment from pipes and redirections" idea, originally, had 
assignment limited to files, and would read to a pre-defined variable. It 
evolved to allow assignment from pipes, as well as reading to user-defined 
variables. This work also provides a fix for blank output from pipes.

As of now, only the "Tell whether stdin is empty" idea was approved to upstream.

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