You are referring to MultiLink.  It requires your ISP to support it.  If your ISP only supports PPP, you are (by default) out of luck.

Of course, you can write your own browser that uses as many links as you can build... your primary link does an http get of the page; as it parses the page, it can put the sub-level gets (the images, script files, css) out via the other channels via a standard "connection pool" round-robin or "next available" pattern.

That is probably more than you want to take on... but would be a fun experiment.

Have fun!

Sundar Raman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
hi melchi,
are you sure that its not possible??  because i remember reading an article of using 2 dialup connections as a single combined bandwith in winxp.  but i dont remember the procedure now.
take care.

On 12/27/05, New Melchizedec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
This is not possible, the reason being, you get 2 valid internet IPs when you connect through 2 dial ups.  and the tcp connection is always between 2 ip/port pairs.  Hence you cannot route the traffic of one connection through the other.  One possible way you can achieve this is by having a external combiner, i.e. an external machine with a bigger internet connection which should take both of your traffic and merge for you.  which is not possible unless you have some server you control.

On 12/22/05, girish nair <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
Hi !

Can any tell me how I can use 2 dialup connections at
the same time (i mean bridge two dialup connections as
one bandwidth).

I use a GPRS & PSTN dialup. I've tried changing the
route & metric, but it does't change while the
connection is active - I'm using windows XP SP2.

Any solutions ....

Girish N

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