Here's the summary.
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Top 10 IT employers in India

1. TCS
2. HCL Infosystems 
3. iGate
4. RMSI 
5. Synechron

6. IBM 
7. Capgemini 
8. Infosys 
9. Tavant Technologies 
10. Sun Microsystems.

- The Top 5 reasons why IT professionals changed their jobs were compensation, 
job posting abroad, growth opportunities, job location and technology area of 

-Among the existing employees of Infosys, only 28.2% voted for it as “my dream 
company” in the 2007 Dataquest-IDC survey, compared to 36.6% last year.

-The employees of Infosys ranked their company very low on several parameters 
like growth opportunities, compensation and relevance of perks and benefits.

-Women make 1/4th of the Indian IT work force

-The survey of 2,844 software, hardware and marketing professionals from 33 IT 
companies employing 304,834 people in the top seven cities

TCS, HCL Infosystems, iGate are top three IT best employers:Dataquest-IDC survey
India Infoline News Services / Mumbai  Aug 28, 2007  15:34 
The survey of 2,844 software, hardware and marketing professionals from 33 IT 
companies employing 304,834 people in the top seven cities threw up the Top 20 
Best IT employers based on a combination of Employee Satisfaction and HR scores.

The 7th annual Dataquest-IDC survey throws a lot of surprises where India’s 
third largest software company Wipro does not feature among the Top 20 IT 
employers, and the industry bellwether Infosys has slipped four places to #8 
The survey of 2,844 software, hardware and marketing professionals from 33 IT 
companies employing 304,834 people in the top seven cities threw up the Top 20 
Best IT employers based on a combination of Employee Satisfaction and HR 
The top five ranks went to TCS, HCL Infosystems, iGate, RMSI and Synechron. The 
next five positions went to IBM, Capgemini, Infosys, Tavant Technologies and 
Sun Microsystems. 
India’s largest company, TCS, retained its numero uno status in the BES Top 20 
survey for the second year running. The challenges of scaling up were countered 
through innovative HR practices. With almost 15% of its 90,000 employees based 
in foreign shores, TCS has replicated not just its programs but also its ethos 
across multiple geographies, to achieve consistency in the workforce.  
HCL Infosystems at No. 2 retained employee satisfaction on all parameters with 
significant rise in satisfaction on preferred employer. HCL employees are found 
to be very satisfied with the growth opportunities, job security and 
relationship with peers. 
Commenting on the high points of the 7th Dataquest-IDC survey Pradeep Gupta, 
Publisher of CyberMedia said, “Multinational IT employers IBM, Capgemini, Sun 
Microsystems and CSC have mastered the art of managing Indian employees to rank 
among the Top 20 best IT employers in the country.” 
“Others, especially many India-based IT employers, will need to balance 
aggressive recruitment with the warmth and personal touch they used so 
effectively thus far, to retain people as they ramp up headcount,” Gupta added. 
Average attrition rate down to 14%: 
The Dataquest-IDC survey points out that the average attrition rate is down 
marginally from 14% from 15% last year. The Top 5 reasons why IT professionals 
changed their jobs were compensation, job posting abroad, growth opportunities, 
job location and technology area of work. 
When asked what gave them satisfaction on the job, the employees voted career 
development opportunities, work life balance, organizational culture, job 
security and technology as the five top areas. Even though compensation was the 
top reason for job change, it ranked at No. 7 when asked what satisfied them 
the most. 
Industry wide, Infosys remains the dream company with one tenth of the 
respondents choosing it as the dream company to work for. TCS came second with 
one in 14 respondents and IBM was at No. 3 with one in 20 respondents voting 
for it as their dream company. 
Among the existing employees of Infosys, only 28.2% voted for it as “my dream 
company” in the 2007 Dataquest-IDC survey, compared to 36.6% last year.
The employees of Infosys ranked their company very low on several parameters 
like growth opportunities, compensation and relevance of perks and benefits. 
Ironically, among the rest of the 2,844 employees of this industry-wide 
survey—those not working in Infosys—Infosys topped the votes as their dream 
company to work for! 
Company Image and Organisation Culture: 
The respondents gave top rankings in terms of ‘Company Image’ and ‘Organisation 
Culture’ composite score to HCL Infosystems, RMSI, iGate and Tavant 
Technologies. The lowest scores in terms of ‘Company Image’ and ‘Organisation 
Culture’ derived from a set of parameters went to Infosys, Aricent, Geometric 
software, Ness Technologies and Cybage. Clearly firms with smaller employee 
base seemed to enjoy a better organization culture. 
Referring to the drop in ranks by Infosys and Wipro, the Dataquest-IDC survey 
points out that as both companies ramp up rapidly, there seems to be tradeoff. 
Employees joining the organisation now might be expecting the same informal 
atmosphere which these companies have been known for. But the personal touch 
appears to have been lost in the number game. Whatever might be the case, one 
thing is certain, the Bangalore tigers need to get their act together, the 
Survey adds. 
IBM achieve the 6th best IT employer status beating all large firms who compete 
directly with it, barring TCS, thanks to its belief that HR has to be a 
competitive strategy. This is despite the fact that IBM ranks at the bottom of 
the table when it comes to compensation. It earned its No. 6 position largely 
due to its strong brand image, and high standards of corporate values and 
governance. IBM also scores high in training and development. 
Sun Microsystems with an employee base of about 1,000 made its entry into the 
Dataquest-IDC Best Employers listing at No, 10 largely driven by a high 
employee satisfaction score. It scores high on compensation and topped the rank 
on the new age priority, work-life balance. 
At No.. 11, Cognizant is the only large company in the list where employees see 
a lot of opportunity for their individual growth while believing that the 
company’s leadership is doing what is needed for the growth. Cognizant’s major 
HR focus revolves around helping employees acquire, improve, and harness 
industry skills for faster professional growth. 
At No. 12, CSC recorded the second highest jump in the Dataquest-IDC best 
employers Top 20 list, India is CSC’s second largest operation outside the US. 
Knowing that India’s fiercely competitive labour market requires some special 
initiatives, CSC launched two Indian specific employee communication programs. 
This is the first time that Cadence, a regular in the Top 5 list, slipped, also 
from the Top 10. At #14, Cadence’s fall reiterates what industry captains are 
now beginning to realize—you cannot buy employee satisfaction only with a big 
pay package and by caring for them. 
Women make 1/4th of the Indian IT work force: 
Women constituted 23.7% of the total staff employed by the surveyed IT 
companies. In the 2004 survey only 14.5% of the total IT professionals were 
women. This percentage improved to 19.7% in 2005 and 23.6% in 2006. 
The survey was designed and carried out in two phases. In the first phase, HR 
questionnaire sought information from 300 IT companies on employee strength, 
training days, tenure of the top managers, salary increases, revenue growth 
over the years and employee attrition levels. 
In the second phase, a large scale survey was conducted by IDC India among 
employees of 33 companies, across the country. The employee survey comprised a 
self administered questionnaire as the instrument with employees at different 
levels. This questionnaire included 53 statements to capture their views on 
broad parameters like composite satisfaction, company culture, job 
content/growth, training, salary & compensation, appraisal system and people. 
The employees were also asked about their salary structure, preferred company 
in the industry etc. Scores from the HR survey and the Employee Satisfaction 
survey, calculated separately, were combined to arrive at a composite score. 

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