Google spotlights data center inner workings
by Stephen Shankland 

SAN FRANCISCO--The inner workings of Google just became a little less secret. 
The search colossus has shed only occasional light on its data center 
operations, but on Wednesday, Google fellow Jeff Dean turned a spotlight on 
some parts of the operation. Speaking to an overflowing crowd at the Google I/O 
conference here on Wednesday, Dean managed simultaneously to demystify Google a 
little while also showing just how exotic the company's infrastructure really 
On the one hand, Google uses more-or-less ordinary servers. Processors, hard 
drives, memory--you know the drill. 
On the other hand, Dean seemingly thinks clusters of 1,800 servers are pretty 
routine, if not exactly ho-hum. And the software company runs on top of that 
hardware, enabling a sub-half-second response to an ordinary Google search 
query that involves 700 to 1,000 servers, is another matter altogether. 
Google doesn't reveal exactly how many servers it has, but I'd estimate it's 
easily in the hundreds of thousands. It puts 40 servers in each rack, Dean 
said, and by one reckoning, Google has 36 data centers across the globe. With 
150 racks per data center, that would mean Google has more than 200,000 
servers, and I'd guess it's far beyond that and growing every day. 
Regardless of the true numbers, it's fascinating what Google has accomplished, 
in part by largely ignoring much of the conventional computing industry. Where 
even massive data centers such as the New York Stock Exchange or airline 
reservation systems use a lot of mainstream servers and software, Google 
largely builds its own technology. 
I'm sure a number of server companies are sour about it, but Google clearly 
believes its technological destiny is best left in its own hands. Co-founder 
Larry Page encourages a "healthy disrespect for the impossible" at Google, 
according to Marissa Mayer, vice president of search products and user 
experience, in a speech Thursday. 
To operate on Google's scale requires the company to treat each machine as 
expendable. Server makers pride themselves on their high-end machines' ability 
to withstand failures, but Google prefers to invest its money in fault-tolerant 
"Our view is it's better to have twice as much hardware that's not as reliable 
than half as much that's more reliable," Dean said. "You have to provide 
reliability on a software level. If you're running 10,000 machines, something 
is going to die every day." 
Breaking in is hard to do
Bringing a new cluster online shows just how fallible hardware is, Dean said. 
In each cluster's first year, it's typical that 1,000 individual machine 
failures will occur; thousands of hard drive failures will occur; one power 
distribution unit will fail, bringing down 500 to 1,000 machines for about 6 
hours; 20 racks will fail, each time causing 40 to 80 machines to vanish from 
the network; 5 racks will "go wonky," with half their network packets missing 
in action; and the cluster will have to be rewired once, affecting 5 percent of 
the machines at any given moment over a 2-day span, Dean said. And there's 
about a 50 percent chance that the cluster will overheat, taking down most of 
the servers in less than 5 minutes and taking 1 to 2 days to recover. 

A look at a custom-made Google rack with 40 servers from a modern data center. 
Infrastructure guru Jeff Dean showed the snapshot at the Google I/O 
conference.(Credit: Stephen Shankland-CNET Dean-Google) 

While Google uses ordinary hardware components for its servers, it doesn't use 
conventional packaging. Google required Intel to create custom circuit boards. 
And, Dean said, the company currently puts a case around each 40-server rack, 
an in-house design, rather than using the conventional case around each server. 
The company has a small number of server configurations, some with a lot of 
hard drives and some with few, Dean said. And there are some differences at the 
larger scale, too: "We have heterogeneity across different data centers but not 
within data centers," he said. 
As to the servers themselves, Google likes multicore chips, those with many 
processing engines on each slice of silicon. Many software companies, 
accustomed to better performance from ever-faster chip clock speeds, are 
struggling to adapt to the multicore approach, but it suits Google just fine. 
The company already had to adapt its technology to an architecture that spanned 
thousands of computers, so they already have made the jump to parallelism. 
"We really, really like multicore machines," Dean said. "To us, multicore 
machines look like lots of little machines with really good interconnects. 
They're relatively easy for us to use." 
Although Google requires a fast response for search and other services, its 
parallelism can produce that even if a single sequence of instructions, called 
a thread, is relatively slow. That's music to the ears of processor designers 
focusing on multicore and multithreaded models. 
"Single-thread performance doesn't matter to us really at all," Dean said. "We 
have lots of parallelizable problems." 
The secret sauce
So how does Google get around all these earthly hardware concerns? With 
software--and this is where you might think about dusting off your computer 
science degree. 


A Google data center, circa 2000. Note the fan on the floor to cool 
servers.(Credit: Stephen Shankland-CNET Dean-Google) 

Dean described three core elements of Google's software: GFS, the Google File 
System, BigTable, and the MapReduce algorithm. And although Google helps with a 
lot of open-source software projects that helped the company get its start, 
these packages remain proprietary except in general terms. 
GFS, at the lowest level of the three, stores data across many servers and runs 
on almost all machines, Dean said. Some incarnations of GFS are file systems 
"many petabytes in size"--a petabyte being a million gigabytes. There are more 
than 200 clusters running GFS, and many of these clusters consist of thousands 
of machines. 
GFS stores each chunk of data, typically 64MB in size, on at least three 
machines called chunkservers; master servers are responsible for backing up 
data to a new area if a chunkserver failure occurs. "Machine failures are 
handled entirely by the GFS system, at least at the storage level," Dean said. 
To provide some structure to all that data, Google uses BigTable. Commercial 
databases from companies such as Oracle and IBM don't cut the mustard here. For 
one thing, they don't operate the scale Google demands, and if they did, they'd 
be too expensive, Dean said. 
BigTable, which Google began designing in 2004, is used in more than 70 Google 
projects, including Google Maps, Google Earth, Blogger, Google Print, Orkut, 
and the core search index. The largest BigTable instance manages about 6 
petabytes of data spread across thousands of machines, Dean said. 
MapReduce, the first version of which Google wrote in 2003, gives the company a 
way to actually make something useful of its data. For example, MapReduce can 
find how many times a particular word appears in Google's search index; a list 
of the Web pages on which a word appears; and the list of all Web sites that 
link to a particular Web site. 
With MapReduce, Google can build an index that shows which Web pages all have 
the terms "new," "york," and "restaurants"--relatively quickly. "You need to be 
able to run across thousands of machines in order for it to complete in a 
reasonable amount of time," Dean said. 
The MapReduce software is increasing use within Google. It ran 29,000 jobs in 
August 2004 and 2.2 million in September 2007. Over that period, the average 
time to complete a job has dropped from 634 seconds to 395 seconds, while the 
output of MapReduce tasks has risen from 193 terabytes to 14,018 terabytes, 
Dean said. 
On any given day, Google runs about 100,000 MapReduce jobs; each occupies about 
400 servers and takes about 5 to 10 minutes to finish, Dean said. 
That's a basis for some interesting math. Assuming the servers do nothing but 
MapReduce, that each server works on only one job at a time, and that they work 
around the clock, that means MapReduce occupies about 139,000 servers if the 
jobs take 5 minutes each. For 7.5-minute jobs, the number increases to 208,000 
servers; if the jobs take 10 minutes, it's 278,000 servers. 
My calculations could be off base, but even qualitatively, that's enough 
computing horsepower to make the mind boggle. 
Fault-tolerant software
MapReduce, like GFS, is explicitly designed to sidestep server problems. 
"When a machine fails, the master knows what task that machine was assigned and 
will direct the other machines to take up the map task," Dean said. "You can 
end up losing 100 map tasks, but can have 100 machines pick up those tasks." 
The MapReduce reliability was severely tested once during a maintenance 
operation on one cluster with 1,800 servers. Workers unplugged groups of 80 
machines at a time, during which the other 1,720 machines would pick up the 
slack. "It ran a little slowly, but it all completed," Dean said. 
And in a 2004 presentation, Dean said, one system withstood a failure of 1,600 
servers in a 1,800-unit cluster. 
Next-generation data center to-do list
So all is going swimmingly at Google, right? Perhaps, but the company isn't 
satisfied and has a long to-do list. 
Most companies are trying to figure out how to move jobs gracefully from one 
server to another, but Google is a few orders of magnitude above that 
challenge. It wants to be able to move jobs from one data center to 
another--automatically, at that. 
"We want our next-generation infrastructure to be a system that runs across a 
large fraction of our machines rather than separate instances," Dean said. 
Right now some massive file systems have different names--GFS/Oregon and 
GFS/Atlanta, for example--but they're meant to be copies of each other. "We 
want a single namespace," he said. 
These are tough challenges indeed considering Google's scale. No doubt many 
smaller companies look enviously upon them.

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