unix_fan wrote:
> Folks, my google fu and lopsa.org searches are not narrowing it down for me.
> I've been handed a group that uses MacOSX and asked to craft a patch 
> management approach for them. I use MacOSX at home, but have never managed a 
> group of MacOSX machines (not server). 
> We need to do some sort of patch management for these MacOSX machines. I 
> could have sworn Ski or Leon had been in on a discussion about that long ago, 
> but all I find is the bemoaning of a lack of Enterprise-ish tools and 
> discussion of MacOSX vs. Linux. I'm trying to find what patch management 
> approaches MacOSX sysadmins actually utilize, that they like.
> Two generic scenarios come to my MacOSX rookie mind: 
> 1. Write ssh queries that look for OS versions and patch status, or 
> 2. Utilize a CM tool like puppet/bcfg2/lfcg/<fill in your fave>. 
> What do people who manage groups of MacOSX desktop machines actually use? To 
> bound the exercise, let's just call patch management the following task. 
> A vulnerability is announced, along with the patch. I want to generate a 
> report that shows how many machines are affected in the denominator, and how 
> many machines have actually been patched in the numerator. How do you manage 
> MacOSX group patch deployment in this scenario?
> For this query, it doesn't matter whether your approach is home grown, open 
> source, or commercial. 

For desktops that belong to individuals, we typically leave it up to 
them. We send emails urging people to update when there are 
announcements of vulnerabilities.

For labs and classrooms, we use radmind running off one of my Solaris 
servers. It takes a bit to get into it, but the guy who manages it can 
control an awful lot of detail. He has a summer intern who is working 
out some new stuff, like having a progress bar pop up on the Mac when 
radmind starts running (as opposed to just running in the background and 
then suddenly rebooting, which can be disconcerting if someone is using 
them at 2 in the morning unawares). They did that by changing how 
radmind was run. Rather than having is as a "periodic", they have it run 
using iHook from launchd. Anyway, when there is a change needed or a 
patch, they just change an image, and the machines update the next 
night. They can also initiate changes if they are needed more quickly 
than overnight. When our new building opened up, they were able to 
deploy on the order of 100 new machines a day.


Chris Hoogendyk

   O__  ---- Systems Administrator
  c/ /'_ --- Biology & Geology Departments
 (*) \(*) -- 140 Morrill Science Center
~~~~~~~~~~ - University of Massachusetts, Amherst 



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