>>>>> "Edward" == Edward Ned Harvey <lop...@nedharvey.com> writes:

Edward> So I logically conclude: If your little linksys or whatever
Edward> router supports 6to4, and it can distribute IPv6 to the
Edward> autoconfigure clients on your LAN, that means you don't even
Edward> need to do *any* thing to your windows/mac/whatever laptops etc.
Edward> Just enable the checkbox for 6to4 in your little router, and
Edward> voila, you have IPv6 running on your LAN.

6to4 still requires protocol 41 traffic to be routable beyond your
"little linksys".  Some ISPs block that.

Edward> Anybody doing anything like this in practice, or am I just
Edward> talking theory at this point?  Unfortunately, I can't test it
Edward> myself, because I'm one of the saps who doesn't get a real IP
Edward> address from their ISP.

In which case, go to tunnelbroker.net, and get yourself a free
6-in-4 tunnel from Hurricane Electric, which gives you IPv6 *anywhere*
that you can get *out* (even through multiple NATs) to the internets.

I have a tunnel from them for my home network (my ISP doesn't pass proto
41), and another for my laptop.  V6 *anywhere*.

Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095
<mer...@stonehenge.com> <URL:http://www.stonehenge.com/merlyn/>
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