While I realize this is a way to start a very open-ended conversation,
I'm curious what sort of performance we should expect out of an openldap
server, when the queries run against it are mostly NIS schema stuff --
uid/username lookup, group membership and gid lookup, etc.

>From some brief tests, it seems that our test openldap server tops out
at about 2400 queries a second, where the clients (ranging from 50-900
clients) ran a mixed bag of id and getent.

The system is a quad core dell 1950, 2gb RAM, running Debian Lenny
x86-32, and openldap 2.4 from the Lenny repositories.

So, the two part question is: a) is this reasonable performance? and b)
where should we look to optimize?

-- John E. Jasen (jja...@realityfailure.org)
-- "Deserve Victory." -- Terry Goodkind, Naked Empire
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