Le 16 juin 09 C  22:37, neal hogan <n...@lambdaserver.com> a C)crit :

On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 10:19:52PM +0200, Dave BIN wrote:
Hello ,
Please first accept my sorry about my english that is not my natural

On a trying install for my Toshiba laptop it shutdown a few minutes
after the boot prompt pass. Clearly the ventilation is off behind
I've already experiment this "safe-shutdown" by installing Linux last
A simply -acpi=off- argument to the kernel solve it.
After my RTFM session on this OpenBSD i found this way :
Boot> set howto ...    But where is the list of flags that i can use
here ?
As you can read , i'm a beginner.

Thank you.

Just before you system boots, you'll see a prompt

type: boot -c <enter>

You'll get another prompt

type: disable acpi <enter>
then type: quit <enter>

and it will continue to boot with acpi disabled

check out: 'man boot' and 'man UKC'



Thank you very much ! I'll try it now.
And thx for the subject correction ;)

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