Hello all again.

Could anyone explain the reasons of the following difference? More 

1. Why does pf_test() add log flag PF_LOG_FORCE, and pf_test6() resets 
log flag to plain 1 (PF_LOG)?

2. Is diverting supported only for AF_INET? I do not see such mention in 
neither commit logs or pf.conf(5) or divert(4) or sbin/pfctl/parse.y.


        if (m->m_pkthdr.len < (int)sizeof(*h)) {
                action = PF_DROP;
                REASON_SET(&reason, PFRES_SHORT);
                log |= PF_LOG_FORCE;
                goto done;

        if (m->m_pkthdr.pf.flags & PF_TAG_GENERATED)
                return (PF_PASS);

        if (m->m_pkthdr.pf.flags & PF_TAG_DIVERTED_PACKET)
                return (PF_PASS);

and pf_test6():

        if (m->m_pkthdr.len < (int)sizeof(*h)) {
                action = PF_DROP;
                REASON_SET(&reason, PFRES_SHORT);
                log = 1;
                goto done;

        if (m->m_pkthdr.pf.flags & PF_TAG_GENERATED)
                return (PF_PASS);

  Best wishes,
    Vadim Zhukov

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
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A: Top-posting.
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