Hi David.

As a person who has worked with the OpenBSD process for easily 12+ years, and
longer with a Variety of other platforms;
a Wholesale Change such as you are recommending is going to be negatively
looked at.

Not that what You are typing about is not possible; In fact having a Slice for
the /usr/obj  folder makes for faster turnaround when doing sysgens. I my case
I have to re-read existing documentation once in a while to keep up-to-date on
-even- maintaining -stable or -current... And OpenBSD is pretty simple.

But the scope of what you are considering / suggesting is a bit much.

One of the firstfold reasons that OpenBSD has become a Unix that I appreciate,
is due to the diligence of the development principals in using ASAP rules (As
Simple As Possible) since this establishes two things: Clarity and

As for /usr/ports  well, thats because we live in an Open Source and Free
If something needs improvement, sit-down, code, and pay it forward by sending
info to the Principals of the Port in Question.

Being new to anything is not an excuse, it means you need to sit down and read
the manuals, ask some misc@ questions, and when you feel there is something to
contribute -- contribute.

Its a Shut-Up and Hack thing, not a How We All can make -this- Unix-Based
Operating System look like the SuSE build for s390.


> Subject: Improved Build Process
> I am somewhat new to OpenBSD but not systems and/or
> systems programming as a whole.  Please excuse any errors
> Thanks for reading this.  I hope it is considered valuable.

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