When I use Disklabel, I have been in the habit of issuing 'p m <enter>'
rather than just 'p <enter>'

Since I do it for disk / usb thumb setups, and so forth, I find the
'megabyte-able' printing more consistent to my liking.

I'd say leave it out, since CHS information may get scrolled off the screen if
it was relevant. (Or am I thinking fdisk...?)
As it is, both 'p' and 'm' keys have less wear than 'e' 't' and 's' and make
for good finger dexterity...


> Date: Wed, 7 Apr 2010 13:41:25 +0100
> Subject: Re: disklabel - 'P' option
> On 2010/04/07 11:21, Mark Lumsden wrote:
> > I press 'p' then <enter> after everything I do in disklabel.
> > 'P' automatically prints out the equivalent of 'p' after each command and
saves on finger wear and tear.
> > like/dislike?
> hmm..not sure. I might find it useful if it allowed setting the unit
> too, but I doubt I'd remember it exists when actually using disklabel.

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