Marc, Everyone.

I say  /tmp

This; if anything, is what makes OpenBSD - Unix -.
The correct usage of /tmp

/etc/daily  I strongly urge be fixed.


> Date: Wed, 16 Jun 2010 17:17:40 +0200
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: defining ports LOCKDIR
> I should have been more specific. This is not a vote as to where we
> should put the default.
> If you think of the constraints (usually not NFS, user-writable), there
> are about two locations that make sense: /tmp or /var/tmp.
> Also remember that it makes no sense for those locks to survive reboot.
> So /tmp is the only location that makes sense.
> Remember that it is a default.
> Stuart's remark wrt /etc/daily is good, but /etc/daily can be fixed.
> What do you say ? default, or not default ?

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chocolate cake without ketchup or mustard."  unix fortune cookie.

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