Except that bcopy always works and memcpy doesn't.  Sure it is historic.
History is riddled with mistakes.  BTW I grew up on memcpy and I always
found it a stupid API, same is true for str* functions and original
intel assembly.  They all got it backwards.

On Tue, Jun 22, 2010 at 06:00:33PM -0700, Marco S Hyman wrote:
> > miod is 100% right.  memcpy is another committee hit job on
> > practicality.  OMG bcopy wasn't invented here lets flip around the
> > parameters foar moar bettar!!!!one!!!```~!~!Y~%!^%
> Bullshit.   If you're going to rail against something at least
> get the history correct.
> System III Unix in 1982 had neither
> memcpy came with System V in about 1983
> bcopy came with 4.2 bsd in about 1983
> If you grew up with BSD then bcopy was your friend.
> If you grew up with System V then memcpy was your friend.
> It is as simple as that.   Whichever one you learned first
> tend to be the "natural" order, with the other somehow unnatural.
> Until SVR4 and 4.4 BSD there wasn't much choice... you used
> the one that came with your release.
> /\/\arc

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