On Sun, Sep 05, 2010 at 16:49 +0000, Christian Weisgerber wrote:
> Mike Belopuhov <m...@crypt.org.ru> wrote:
> > note that it defaults to AESGCM-256 (i did it this way because
> > linux picks largest key).
> I don't understand that rationale.
> A side effect of this is that you now get different key sizes if
> you specify "aes-gcm" in a manual SA (128) or an IKE rule (256).

this is bad indeed.  i propose the following: isakmpd always defaults
to 256 if keylength is not specified.  ipsecctl looses "aes-gcm" and
"aes-gmac" specifications, so that you always have to specify key length.

does that sound good?

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