> On Fri, Oct 29, 2010 at 02:29:50PM +0200, Ingo Schwarze wrote:
> > Hi Tobias,
> > 
> > i'm not sure as i don't use tools like adduser(8) and useradd(8),
> > and i doubt they are widely used among developers anyway.  I think
> > they are around mostly because some people are used to them from
> > other systems.
> Moin Ingo,
> useradd(8) is a different utility, it defaults to the users group unless
> specified otherwise.

It is ridiculous that we have two utilities like this -- besides being
inconsistant... they both suck in other ways as well.

> > So, gratuitously changing the defaults is not necessarily a wise move.
> > As far as i can see, FreeBSD adduser(8) defaults to per-user-groups as
> > well, even though it's a different implementation.  Very probably,
> > that's what people expect from this particular tool.
> > 
> > Of course, in case adduser(8) users like the change, i'm not
> > opposed to it.
> Well I'm an adduser(8) user and I don't like the default, since it's
> inconsistent with the rest of the system. On OpenBSD, I expect it to
> behave like the other user management tools and especially the install
> script.

I agree.

> It's not some mandated POSIX behaviour, so I'm not that concerned with
> compatability to XMLBsd in this particular case.

I agree.

> This topic came up last year as well, including the same useradd/adduser
> confusion:
> http://kerneltrap.org/mailarchive/openbsd-tech/2009/5/8/5660874
> "useradd really does that?  A new group for every user?  I think that
> is stupid behaviour."

It is stupid behaviour, and I like the patch.  If both these programs
go simpler and more alike, in the long term that would be better for

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