On 12/22/2010 09:29 AM, Kurt Knochner wrote:

Do you have a hint, how I could emit the random values from arc4random
in a "clever" way? I thought of using an internal buffer and accessing
that through sysctl or another device, e.g. /dev/randstream.

You should definitely check out this page if you hadn't already:
The dieharder test suite already comes with input modules for reading from system devices and lots of other sources.

The later
looks more complicated, but will certainly teach me more about openbsd

Well if that's your goal, I think you probably need to patch the kernel to DMA the stuff into video RAM and offload the processing of it there. :-) Or something else, be creative. Try to write a backdoor

In any case, generic statistical tests might detect really horrible brokenness but they're are not the thing to certify CSRNGs with. Somehow people managed to run them on RC4 for years before anyone noticed that the second byte of output was zero twice as often as it should be.

What could be really useful would be better models of the effective entropy contributed by kernel event classes going into the pool.

- Marsh

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