On Mon, 9 May 2011 12:44:54 +0000
Jacob Meuser <jake...@sdf.lonestar.org> wrote:

> On Mon, May 09, 2011 at 02:56:28PM +0300, Sviatoslav Chagaev wrote:
> > On Mon, May 9, 2011 at 4:48 AM, Jacob Meuser <jake...@sdf.lonestar.org>
> > wrote:
> > > On Mon, May 09, 2011 at 01:32:49AM +0300, Sviatoslav Chagaev wrote:
> > >> * sorted output looks cleaner, prettier;
> > >> * it's easier to find the variable you're looking for in a sorted
> > >> output;
> > >> * hierarchical variable names yet unordered? doesn't make sense;
> > >> * this way mixerctl's behaviour will be closer to other *ctl programs
> > >> which output variables in an ordered fashion (audioctl, sysctl,
> > >> wsconsctl).
> > >
> > > these are all matters of opinion, except for "hierarchical variable names"
> > > which is not technically the case here.
> > >
> > 
> > Okay, but what about making mixerctl more similar to other *ctl?
> *sigh*
> $ wsconsctl
> (blah) Permission denied
> $ usbhidctl
> usage: (blah)
> $ ikectl
> missing argument:
> $ gpioctl
> usage: (blah)
> or how about, what other *ctl program is almost entirely hardware
> dependent?

mixerctl uses audio(4).
audio manpage:
"audio, mixer - device-independent audio driver layer"

> > >> Before:
> > >
> > > note how the controls are grouped (mostly) by "widget".  please read
> > > azalia(4).
> > 
> > I did notice that.
> > Unfortunately, I can't access my amd64 machine right now. It has
> > like 2 to 3 times the amount of variables shown here and I think I saw
> > some vars there, for which I couldn't figure out by which criteria were they
> > ordered.
> > If mixerctl's intention is that the most important thing is the widget,
> > then the widget's name should've been placed in front.
> > I tried this just now, putting widget in front, then the mixer class --
> > it looks horrible, completely unscannable.
> > Maybe the mixer class is the most important thing after all, since
> > this is the most generic thing you can group various widgets by.
> ok then, why do some devices have 'outputs.dac' yet others have
> 'inputs.dac'?  what is the difference to the user?  which is more
> correct?  why?

I have absolutely no idea. I'm not an audio equipment manufacturer. I
don't understand how are these questions even relevant.

> this has been the case since long before azalia(4).  if you cannot
> explain this, then you just don't understand.
> > >
> > >> s@d630:0:/usr/src/usr.bin/mixerctl$ mixerctl
> > >> outputs.hp_source=dac-0:1
> > >> outputs.hp_dir=output
> > >> outputs.hp_boost=off
> > >> outputs.line-in_source=dac-2:3
> > >> outputs.line-in_dir=input
> > >> outputs.mic_dir=input-vr80
> > >> outputs.spkr_source=dac-2:3
> > >> outputs.spkr_dir=none
> > >> outputs.spkr_boost=off
> > >> inputs.dac-2:3_mute=off
> > >> inputs.dac-2:3=152,152
> > >> inputs.dac-0:1_mute=off
> > >> inputs.dac-0:1=152,152
> > >> inputs.sel_source=mic
> > >> outputs.sel=126,126
> > >> inputs.sel2_source=line-in
> > >> outputs.sel2=126,126
> > >> inputs.sel3_source=sel
> > >> inputs.sel3_sel=119,119
> > >> inputs.sel4_source=sel2
> > >> inputs.sel4_sel2=119,119
> > >> record.adc-0:1_source=sel3
> > >> record.adc-0:1_mute=off
> > >> record.adc-2:3_source=sel4
> > >> record.adc-2:3_mute=off
> > >> inputs.beep=85
> > >
> > > and at the end are the "pseudo" controls.  the ones most people are
> > > most interested in.  so even if the rest of the controls scroll by
> > > when you do a simple "mixerctl", you see these controls.
> > >
> > 
> > Just by looking at these variables, I cannot distinguish which ones are
> > "pseudo" and which aren't. This is an implementation detail, I think
> > the user of an interface shouldn't have to care about implementation
> > details.
> > I cannot provide any evidence that most people are or are not
> > interested in those "pseudo" vars, but I thought most of the time
> > people are interested in something like "play an mp3 file", "watch a
> > video", simple stuff like that. In this case one would probably be most
> > interested in outputs, volume controls...
> as in, 'outputs.master' ... the one that's tied to the keyboard keys on
> laptops.  this is by far the most important, most used mixer control.

Suppose I have bought a new computer, can I predict where exactly these
controls will pop up in the output?

>  It's possible to adjust
> > sorting and output these vars last, by modifying the cmp function.
> that is ridiculous.
> > And I can argue that it is still easier to find what you're looking for
> > when the output is sorted, especially considering that the output of
> > mixerctl can vary widely between different computers.
> please do give an example of how sorting them makes "finding what you're
> looking for" easier.  please.  and it better be easier than piping
> through sort/grep.  I'll repeat that you cannot rely on 'inputs' or
> 'outputs' having true meaning.  sorry, but you can't.  trust me on
> that one.

Binary search.
I might not remember the exact name of the variable.
Why should I be suffering if someone has broken hardware? From all the
computers I owned -- there wasn't a single time when vars were labeled
Even if I have broken hardware, I will know this the first time I use
it. No need to tell me that over and over again. This will not fix
my hardware.

> > >> outputs.hp_sense=plugged
> > >> outputs.line-in_sense=unplugged
> > >> outputs.spkr_muters=hp,line-in
> > >> outputs.master=153,153
> > >> outputs.master.mute=off
> > >> outputs.master.slaves=dac-2:3,dac-0:1
> > >> record.volume=0,0
> > >> record.volume.mute=off
> > >> record.volume.slaves=adc-0:1,adc-2:3
> > >>
> > >> After:
> > >> s@d630:0:/usr/src/usr.bin/mixerctl$ ./mixerctl
> > >> inputs.beep=85
> > >> inputs.dac-0:1=152,152
> > >> inputs.dac-0:1_mute=off
> > >> inputs.dac-2:3=152,152
> > >> inputs.dac-2:3_mute=off
> > >> inputs.sel2_source=line-in
> > >> inputs.sel3_sel=119,119
> > >> inputs.sel3_source=sel
> > >> inputs.sel4_sel2=119,119
> > >> inputs.sel4_source=sel2
> > >> inputs.sel_source=mic
> > >> outputs.hp_boost=off
> > >> outputs.hp_dir=output
> > >> outputs.hp_sense=plugged
> > >> outputs.hp_source=dac-0:1
> > >> outputs.line-in_dir=input
> > >> outputs.line-in_sense=unplugged
> > >> outputs.line-in_source=dac-2:3
> > >> outputs.master=153,153
> > >> outputs.master.mute=off
> > >> outputs.master.slaves=dac-2:3,dac-0:1
> > >> outputs.mic_dir=input-vr80
> > >> outputs.sel=126,126
> > >> outputs.sel2=126,126
> > >> outputs.spkr_boost=off
> > >> outputs.spkr_dir=none
> > >> outputs.spkr_muters=hp,line-in
> > >> outputs.spkr_source=dac-2:3
> > >> record.adc-0:1_mute=off
> > >> record.adc-0:1_source=sel3
> > >> record.adc-2:3_mute=off
> > >> record.adc-2:3_source=sel4
> > >> record.volume=0,0
> > >> record.volume.mute=off
> > >> record.volume.slaves=adc-0:1,adc-2:3
> > >
> > > I do not find this more useful.  prettier, perhaps, but not more useful.
> > > in particular, this (further) breaks the widget-wise grouping on some
> > > devices.  please read azalia(4), "inputs" and "outputs" is really just
> > > a hint, and making it more precise is much more difficult than adding
> > > sorting to mixerctl ...
> > >
> > 
> > Well it doesn't add any new functionality or anything, sure. I'm just
> > trying to improve my user experience.
> > For me, this would be useful because I wouldn't have to append "| sort"
> > to mixerctl every time I use it, and because I wouldn't have to
> > remember that it works slightly differently than other *ctl programs.
> *sigh*

It doesn't matter how mixerctl and other *ctl are _implemented_. They
should behave as similar as possible.

> > It would also be more aesthetically pleasing, making my computer just
> > that little bit friendlier, easier to use.
> > Besides, there's "correctness" mentioned in project goals, the reason
> > it looks prettier is because it is more correct, I think.
> ok, now I'm absolutely positive know you don't understand the issue
> and just want to add more junk to what is supposed to be a VERY SIMPLE
> program.  write yourself a new mixer program if you feel the need;
> adding sorting to mixerctl IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN.


> -- 
> jake...@sdf.lonestar.org
> SDF Public Access UNIX System - http://sdf.lonestar.org

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