I committed a fix to fdisk(8) today to un-break the -i and -e options
on 4096-byte devices. To make a long story short, it had been working
accidentally until I committed a 4.9 change to fdisk(8) to make
it pay attention to the errors returned from MBR_read().

However this has raised once more concerns about what is going to
happen when 4096-byte sector devices become common, then the norm,
and then the smallest disks available.

There has been a lot of work done in the last few years to de-couple
the internal kernel view of a disk (a series of 512 byte blocks)
and the 'real world' view of potentially different sector size
devices. With seemless translation being done behind the scenes.

However, as today has shown, there may well be further unreconstructed
code making invalid assumptions or currently silently working
accidentally and waiting for the day when it can blow up your

So if you have such a device (disks >3TB are your best bet) I would
be very interested in hearing how hard you have to work to break
something. Of course the clever can also create vnd's with such
large sectors but actual hardware is more convincing.

Various filesystems (supported ones only please!), utilities such as
fdisk, disklabel, newfs, fsck, dump, restore, etc. Anything which
may do any serious disk i/o or is suspected of attempting raw, low
level i/o.

.... Ken

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