
for me this new prio queue queueing just doesn't work on pppoe(4).

I tested this now three times switching between the new prio and old
altq/priq back and forth. With altq/priq I can use priorized ssh very
smoothly while saturating my uplink with a 'nc foo.bar </dev/zero'.
With the new prio I get echo delays of several seconds.

Part of my pf.conf:


altq on pppoe0 priq bandwidth 200Kb queue { voip, lowdelay, default, bulk }
queue voip      priority 7      qlimit 3        priq
queue lowdelay  priority 6      qlimit 5        priq
queue default   priority 3      qlimit 30       priq(default)
queue bulk      priority 1      qlimit 50       priq


pass out proto tcp to port ssh      queue(bulk,lowdelay)


With prio I simply replaced the queue(...) by prio(...) statements and
the same numbers I used for priority in altq/priq:
queue(bulk,lowdelay) -> prio(1,6).

I don't know much about OpenBSDs network stack, but could it be that
some lower level kernel driver (maybe pppoe(4)) has a queue which is
dropping packets? Why else would altq/priq need the bandwidth


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