On Tue, Aug 30, 2011 at 01:57:48PM +0300, Alexey Suslikov wrote:
> Hello tech@.
> bioctl does support for AOE since revision 1.101, softraid does
> AOE config since revision 1.23. both are in 5.0.
> Moreover, http://www.openbsd.org/plus45.html mentions aoe(4),
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ATA_over_Ethernet mentions "native"
> support for AOE since OpenBSD 4.5-current.
> if_aoe.c is in sys/conf/files, but not in sys/conf/GENERIC.
> Is there any reason why aoe(4) man page is missing? Is AOE
> in usable state?
> Alexey

hi alexey. you can check the cvs logs for the files which exist and/or
contact the authors of these files.


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