On Thu, Sep 08, 2011 at 06:31:24PM +0100, Nicholas Marriott wrote:
> I like dropping the configure goo.
> - What about options -m and -E which the old less added for more?
> - The more prompt is now --More-- which is a lot less useful than the
>   filename (and is not POSIX I believe).

Section "Compatibility with more" in new less.1:
     If the environment variable LESS_IS_MORE is set to 1, or if the program
     is invoked via a file link named "more", less behaves (mostly) in
     conformance with the POSIX "more" command specification.  In this mode,
     less behaves differently in these ways:

     The -e option works differently.  If the -e option is not set, less
     behaves as if the -E option were set.  If the -e option is set, less
     behaves as if the -e and -F options were set.

     The -m option works differently.  If the -m option is not set, the medium
     prompt is used, and it is prefixed with the string "--More--".  If the -m
     option is set, the short prompt is used.

Hence we see:
 * For "more" options -m and -E set by default
 * With --More-- all a bit more complicated. From less.1, I realized that 
   is the correct behavior, but you made me doubt :)
   I have read POSIX 
   I found no hard requirements --More--. I agree with you that the old behavior
   is better. I fixed it.

New diff http://koba.devio.us/distfiles/less.v3.diff

Alexandr Shadchin

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