Martin Pelikan <> napsal:
> I can't say anything more than 'this solved my problem', which was 
> $ echo | awk '{ printf "%u\n", rshift(int("0xdeffffff"), 24) }' | bc -e
> 'obase=16' 
> vs.
> $ echo | awk '{ printf "%u\n", rshift(int("0xdeffffff"), 24) }' | bc -e
> 'obase=16'    
> DE
> I hope it starts a discussion (at least), but I don't really know what
> the correct way is to these problems.
> --
> Martin Pelikan

Hello Martin,

You reached int boundary, so You received minimal number possible. I do not 
think extending boundary is good solution (that way you will reach it soon 
To demonstrate:
$ awk 'BEGIN { printf("%d\n","0x7fffffff") }'  

$ awk 'BEGIN { printf("%d\n","0x80000000") }'  
$ awk 'BEGIN { printf("%d\n","0x80000001") }'  
$ awk 'BEGIN { printf("%d\n","0xffffffff") }'  
$ awk 'BEGIN { printf("%d\n","0xfeedbeef") }'  
$ awk 'BEGIN { printf("%d\n","0xfffffffffffff") }' 

In my point of view, You should solve the problem elsehow. For example 
splitting that big number to smaller or just trim last six characters (it 
depends on problem you have)

Best regards
Jakub TuD
ek/otaznik <>

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