On Thu, 16 Feb 2012 10:43:28 -0800, Mike Larkin wrote:

>Intel drivers later than 2.10 are KMS only, which OpenBSD does not support.
>The version in tree, based from CVS logs, is 2.9.1 with various backports
>added from later versions, and some one-off work done to support the
>later Intel chips in UMS.

Thanks for the explanation.

I guess that, for at least some time, I'm going to be able to
experience the sort of environment that users of archs that don't
support virtual consoles live with. One difference being that I will
have to sudo reboot to get to a console or sudo halt -p when I want a

I did some reading about UMS vs KMS and noted a Phoronix page showing
that for many of their benchmarks ran faster in UMS. Not that it will
help us if we can't get UMS drivers for many GPUs. Or maybe some *BSD
dev will write a UMS driver, but don't hold your breath 8-)

One intriguing thing I spotted was a statement that KMS allowed running
X without root privs. There is some tension there I expect.

Finally, having "wasted" a bunch of money (by my standards) getting a
machine that avoided broadcom wi-fi and nvidia graphics and had a
supported 10/100/1000 NIC (alc), I'd love to know what I should look
for in graphics in future in laptop land.

Thanks again,

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