Lots of fun last night and this morning.

1/ Turns out GNU libtool simply *removes* stuff it doesn't understand while

Case in point: libdns/ldns. It does link with
libtool link  cc -o somelib  --export-symbols lib.def someobj.o 

notice the --export-symbols, that's not a valid gnu libtool option (the
option is spelled -export-symbols).
So it gets ignored !

this did work by accident for us, since we used Getopt::Long which
doesn't care if it's --export-symbols or -export-symbols...

when I fixed that, suddenly, we got some different behavior, so
our link stopped working.

But I'll contend that's a fucking BUG in gnu libtool, since you can
just mispell something, and hey, watch it ! magic trick! it's gone !!!

(that also explains why some ports require gnu libtool...
linking with
libtool link cc -o prog a.o a.c
will work with gnu libtool... yeah, I kid you not !)

2/ we had some bugs with variable mispelling for weeks... turns out
some stuff to check for standard library paths was totally broken.
So I fixed it, and so it broke libtool, because there's some other bug
that means that we don't look where we should.

More precisely -L/usr/X11/lib -lX11   will bring in -lxcb... and that's it !
but -lxcb *in turn* needs to bring in pthread-stubs Xau and Xdmcp

All live under /usr/X11R6/lib... and the linker complains.

So I "fixed" that by adding -rpath-link for standard directories, and -rpath
for non-standard directories...

The deeper bug being that we do not look inside xcb for further paths,
which is probably what needs to happen.

Well, at least libtool builds should no longer include rpaths for
/usr/local/lib and /usr/X11R6/lib...

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