On Wed, Sep 26, 2012 at 18:21, Marc Espie wrote:
> I've been thinking some more about it.
> POSIX says very little about parallel makes.
> The more I think about it, the more I think gnu-make's approach on this is
> stupid: if a job errors out in a fatal way, what do we gain if we keep
> going ?  Especially for high -j values, the quicker we die, the better,
> as far as the error is concerned.
> (note that, in sequential mode, the first fatal error will kill us, so
> there's
> no point in considering further stuff running).

I don't see what we gain by killing jobs.  If the scheduler dice had
come down differently, maybe those jobs would finish.

Here's a downside, albeit maybe a stretch.  What if the job doesn't
like being killed?  You're changing behavior here.  Previously, the
only way a job was interrupted was if the operator did it.  In that
case, I will pick up the pieces.  I think letting the running jobs
finish is actually a better match to the sequential make's behavior.

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