On Thu, 18 Oct 2012 19:11:37 +0200
"Sebastian Reitenbach" <sebas...@l00-bugdead-prods.de> wrote:

> getting NFS through a firewall is not that trivial with mountd binding to a 
> random port each time it starts.


here is how I solved it after my proposal for a fixed-port-option was


# register (random) rpc ports to pf anchor
rpcinfo -p localhost \
|awk \
    /tcp/ \
    {printf "pass in proto %s to port %d\n", $3, $4}
    /udp/ \
    {printf "pass in proto %s to port %d\n", $3, $4; \
     printf "pass out proto %s from port %d\n", $3, $4}
    ' \
|pfctl -a rpc -f -


# rpc daemons use more or less random ports; they will be put into this anchor
anchor "rpc" on {tun0 lo0} from <nfs> to (self)
anchor "rpc" on {tun0 lo0} from (self) to <nfs>
# local daemons need access to portmap before the rpc anchor is populated
pass in on lo0 inet proto {udp tcp} from localhost to localhost port portmap

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