On 2013-08-31 Sat 11:45 AM |, patrick keshishian wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 31, 2013 at 06:23:25AM -0600, Todd C. Miller wrote:
> > Assuming we want to make this a non-fatal error the following should
> > do.
> You meant non-existent skel dir, not empty. Unless you
> meant empty argument for -k option, i.e., -k ""

Yes, that was my intention. i.e. "don't copy the skel dir"

> but is there a good use-case for that?

For example, if an organisation had a number of database administrators
and they were added to the group 'dbas'.

In /home/dba there could be files, scripts, passwords,... that only the
DBA team should have common access to.

Likewise for hostmasters, postmasters, webmasters, management,
marketing, sales,....


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