I've got an update of NSD to v4.0, it's a fairly large diff so I've
put it at http://junkpile.org/nsd4.diff (apply diff in /usr/src, it
includes changes to etc/rc.d/nsd which must also be installed - to
build NSD itself use "make -f Makefile.bsd-wrapper obj && make -f
Makefile.bsd-wrapper && sudo make -f Makefile.bsd-wrapper install".)
I have not yet updated the sample config file (except as noted below,
an old working config file will still be OK).

Tested so far on powerpc and amd64, it would be particularly nice
to have some reports from people using this on other arch, comments
about the upgrade procedure would also be good.

Update notes (also repeated in the diff file):

cd /usr/sbin && rm nsd-notify nsd-patch nsd-xfer nsd-zonec nsdc
cd /usr/share/man/man8 && rm nsd-notify.8 nsd-patch.8 nsd-xfer.8 nsd-zonec.8 
chown _nsd /var/nsd/db/nsd.db
install -o _nsd -g _nsd -d 750 /var/nsd/run/xfr
mv /etc/nsd.conf to /var/nsd/etc/nsd.conf
- needed to support reloads while in chroot
printf '\nremote-control:\n\tcontrol-enable: yes\n' >> /var/nsd/etc.nsd.conf

$EDITOR /var/nsd/etc/nsd.conf
- if you have "include" lines, edit them to specify the *full* path e.g.
"include /var/nsd/etc/nsd.local" - nsd strips the chroot prefix as needed

- remove any old cronjobs that run "nsdc patch", this is no longer needed

N.B. NSD now uses mmap() to access its database. From what I have read
so far access is done just via the mmap rather than a mixture of that
and write(), but I may have missed something, more eyes on this would
be very welcome.

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