On 4/1/14, Hendrickson, Kenneth <khend...@harris.com> wrote:
> On 4/1/2014, Patrick Keshishian wrote:
>> sorry to crash your party, but i think you've got something there
>> with the usage() example. this could reduce man executable to
>> a one line shell script (or a builtin):
>> $ cat /usr/bin/man
>> #!/bin/sh
>> while [ $# -gt 0 ] ; do $1 -h | ${PAGER:-more} ; shift ; done
>> Yeah?
> Not for man -k (apropros).

Craps! ... maybe someone smarter can figure out a solution
for that, like run through $PATH, and recursively run man on
each executable found, pipe through fancy grep & sed ...

regardless, I don't think we should give up on this! This could
possibly be a GSoC project for someone ... even.

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