On Thu, Apr 10, 2014 at 8:23 PM, Bob Beck <b...@openbsdfoundation.org> wrote:
> The OpenBSD Foundation is happy to report that the $150,000 goal of the 2014
> fundraising campaign has been reached.
> We wish to thank our contributors large and small. We will continue
> our fundraising efforts both in the current year and next year.
> The success of this year's effort has allowed the Foundation to
> reverse the recent decline in the support we were able to offer the
> OpenBSD project. The Foundation has been able to assume responsibility
> for funding more aspects of the project infrastructure, such as the
> server electricity bill.
> The Foundation is now able to support efforts underway to rebuild a
> significant part of the project server infrastructure. This included a
> few things that were, literally, rotting.
> 2014's slate of hackathons has been solidified, ensuring these critical
> events will continue to provide a stream of improvements to the OpenBSD
> and related projects.
> We would like to especially thank the contributors who have made
> commitments for continuing donations to the Foundation. Every
> recurring regular donation allows us to budget and plan more
> effectively.
> The Foundation will continue to strive to improve its financial
> resources, and hopes to be able to provide further support to the
> projects in the future. Please continue to contribute!

Congratulations !

$200k as target next year :-)

This message is strictly personal and the opinions expressed do not
represent those of my employers, either past or present.

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